In an effort to provide our guests with additional security, we now require a date of birth in order to validate your Oceania Club loyalty information. Unfortunately, this means that all guests that do not have their date of birth saved to their online profile will be unable to see their past sailings. The name on the profile tab on the website has to match exactly as it appears on the reservation in our booking system. Please refer to your invoice to see how the name is listed. Once this is done your past sailing history should populate on your account profile.
Updating this information is easy to do. Simply follow the steps below:
1. Log in to
2. Go to "Edit Profile" and fill out the guest's First and Last name and Date of Birth.
3. Click "Save Profile Information" button.
Click "Oceania Club" tab. Your loyalty number will appear on the upper right corner, along with your past sailings.
Please contact our Oceania Club department if you need assistance at
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