Yes. Our new supplier for frozen kosher pre-packaged meals is Borenstein Caterers Incorporated from New York. This company was established in 1946 and is providing food services to all travel and retail markets. PrePackaged Glatt Kosher Meals are produced under the supervision of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (the OU). These meals are presented in plastic containers and double wrapped and served with an OU seal. All items intended for the oven are double wrapped.
All breads are Pas Yisroel and all dairy products are Cholov Yisroel. INSTRUCTIONS ON PRE-ORDERING:
Guests will be able to view all selections online at and will be required to pre-order their selections no later than 150 days prior to sailing for cruises outside the US and Europe, no later than 120 days prior to sailing for Europe cruises and cruises in the US. Guests will still need to complete an order form indicating their selections and submit the form via email to Special Services for handling.
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